
Rabu, 06 April 2011

My little angel please ajarkanku about the meaning of a love.

My wife said to me who was reading newspapers, "how much longer you read the paper? Can you come here and help your daughter dear to eat. "
I put the newspaper and saw my daughter only, named Sindu looked frightened tears. In front there is a bowl of rice containing rice sour cream / yogurt (typical Indian rice / curd rice).

Sindu is a sweet child and includes smart in the new age of 8 years he was do not like to eat this rice curd. My mother and my wife still believe their old eating curd rice at all if there was a "cooling effect". I took the bowl and said, "Sindu dear, for the father, would you eat a few spoonfuls of this curd rice? If not, then your mother would shout at my father and make him earache tablets "
I could feel my wife's scowl behind my back. Sindu tears subsided and she wiped tears with his hand and said, "may father will I eat curd rice is not just a few spoons, but all will I spend, but I'll ask ..." hesitated for a moment ... "... will ask for something same father when exhausted all his rice. Is the father willing to promise to meet my request? "
I replied, "Oh sure dear."
Sindu asked again, "right dad?"
"Yeah sure .." My hand holding a pink mudaan and soft as a sign of approval.
Sindu also urged his mother to promise the same thing, my wife patted his hand Sindu who whine and say without emotion, "promise" said my wife. I'm a little worried and said: "Sindu do not ask for a computer or other goods that hahal well, because dad does not currently have any money." Sindu said, "do not worry, do not ask Sindu expensive stuff really well"
Sindu Then slowly and seems very miserable, she was determined to spend all the rice milk is sour. In my heart I was angry at his wife and mother who forced Sindu to eat something that did not like. After Sindu through his suffering he approached me with eyes full of hope and all the attention (I, my wife and also my mother), directed to him.
Apparently Sindu digundulin would head on Sunday. My wife spontaneously said, "what is this demand, the daughter dibotakin, that's impossible!" Also my mother grumbled annoyed, I tried to persuade: "Sindu why you did not ask for anything else, we would all be sad to see you bald." But Sindu fixed with choice, "no" well, nobody else wants, "said Sindhu.
I try to appeal to Sindu, "why do not you please try to understand our feelings."
Sindu with tears saying, "my father saw how miserable I spent the rice milk is sour and the father had promised to meet the demand I now why my father would draw my own words? Did not Daddy have taught a moral lesson, that we must fulfill our promise to any person who happens like Raja Harishchandra (Indian king time ago) to fulfill its promise to provide real king's throne, his power, even his son's life own. "
Now I decided to fulfill my request, "we promise must be kept. "Simultaneously, my wife and my mother said," if I was crazy? "
"No," I replied, "if we're licking their own saliva, she'll never learn how to appreciate themselves."
"Sindu request will be fulfilled."
With a bald head, round face looks Sindu and nice big eyes.
On Monday I drove to school, I caught a glimpse bald Sindu walking to class and waved to me with a smile I replied to wave his hand. Suddenly a boy came out of the car shouting, "Sindu please wait for me." Surprised me was the boy's head was bald and I think maybe "bald" model today.
Without introducing herself a woman out of the car and said, "your child, Sindu really great. The boy who walked with him now, Harish is my child, he suffered from leukemia cancer. "She stops to speak, the moment I saw the tears started welling" months ago Harish did not go to school, because chemotherapy head into bald so he would not go to school afraid of being ridiculed by his classmates. Well, last week Sindu came to the house and promised my son to overcome the ridicule that might occur. I just really did not think Sindu willing to sacrifice beautiful hair for my son Harish. Mr And lord's wife really blessed by God to have a good-hearted girl. "
I stood transfixed and did not feel the tears dripping.
Little angels have been taught about the meaning of a love. Love is one, can not be based with anything in this life from the beginning until the ahir. It comes by itself and when he went to leave a mark and become the key to every door the human heart.

The meaning of man as a father and husband

One time by accident, a little girl saw her father was rubbing his own face began to wrinkle with visible body which began a little hunchback, accompanied by a voice so hoarse cough.
The little girl then ventured to ask, "Dad ... why Daddy's face were increasingly wrinkled with a growing body bent?"
The father who was resting on the porch of the house was then a short answer, "Because your father was a man, boy ..." The little girl looked confused and humming in itself; "I do not understand what Dad meant ...?"
With wrinkled brow, he seemed lost in thought in bewilderment. But the father only smiled as he stroked her hair, then patted her shoulder, then said,
"My son, is not the time for you to understand much about the man ..."
So whispered the father, which was only made him more confused. Because the feeling of curiosity that is big enough, the little girl went over to his mother and asked,
"Mommy, why is Daddy so wrinkled face and body were increasingly bent? And it seems my father became so without any complaints and pain?"
Her mother replied,
"My son ... if a man truly responsible for his family, yes indeed will like it later ..."
That's the answer to his mother. The girl rose increasingly frowned. He still does not understand, what the purpose of his mother earlier answers.
Day was changed and the more time passes ... The little girl now grown up and become adults, but she remained still confused as well, looking for answers, why did his father who had a handsome face, now so wrinkled and his body becoming bent? Until one night, she dreamed of in one bed. In his dream he heard a sound like a very soft, but clear words, which turned out it was a series of sentences as an answer to the confusion over this. "When I created a guy ... I made it as leader of the family as well as a pillar of family building. He was always going to try to hold each end, so that families feel safe, sheltered and protected"
"I created for her shoulders strong and muscular to be able to slam-bone kegagahannya support his entire family and also must be strong enough to protect the entire family"
"I will give him for always trying to find a mouthful of rice that comes from his own sweat droplets are lawful and clean, so that his family is not neglected, though sometimes often he gets a lambasting of his children"
"I give strength and mental steel that will make him a fighter. For the sake of his family he gave up his skin stung by the heat of the sun. For the sake of his family he gave up his body berbasah because doused with cold water soaking rain and blasted winds at night. He Relax perkasanya energy expended by his family. And he always remember is when all family members awaiting his arrival with the expected outcome of the labor-weariness "
"Give me patience, perseverance and sincerity, which would make him always trying to care for and guide the family without any complaints, although in every way of life, fatigue and pain often attacked"
"I give a feeling resilient and persistent to try to fight for love and loves his family, the atmosphere and in any situation, although not infrequently the children hurt feelings, wounded heart. Though he felt was exactly what has given a sense of security protection at a time when the children fell asleep. And a touch of feeling that provide comfort when when he was patted the shoulder for his children always love each other and love each other brothers "
"I give him the wisdom and ability to provide understanding and awareness of children about the present and future time, though often contested even boxed-katikkan by their children"
"I give him the wisdom and ability to provide knowledge and awareness, that the good wife is a faithful wife to her husband. A good wife is the wife who always accompany, and together face life's journey either love or grief, although often wisdom that will any given test of loyalty to his wife, to remain standing, survive, commensurate and complementary and love each other "
"I give the wrinkles in her face for a proof, that man is always trying hard fikirnya power to search and find a way for families to live in a happy family. And I make the body more bent to prove, that as the man responsible for the whole family , always trying to devote his best and all his feelings, his strength, his sincerity for the continuation of family life "
"I gave him full responsibility as the leader of the family, as a pillar, in order to be used with the best. And this is the only advantages it has, even though this responsibility is a mandate in the world and also in the next"
Tersentaklah girl and woke from his sleep. Immediately he ran, knelt and prayed till the crack of dawn, after which he approached his father clash. He found the father was prostrate and then when his father stood holding her and kissing the palm of his hand.
"Forgive thy son's father ... Really I can come to feel how heavy burdens during this ...." Source:
Dear friend THANK YOU THANK YOU DAD and MOM on Facebook and on Twitter wherever they are, if this time his father was also my mother still can accompany this life, you never waste an opportunity to make her feel flattered happy. But when the father and mother were dead, do not disconnect the rope relationship that has been pioneered, pray that God will always keep it with your best, Amen. "
He was someone who had always seen the eyes of family, even when he was not strong to not cry, he should look firmly even when he wants to pamper you. And he was the first person who always believes that "YOU CAN" in all things

Thanks Dad

Thank AyahAyah want his children have more opportunities than he did, face fewer difficulties, more is not dependent on anyone and (but) always require his presence.
Dad let you win in the game when you were little, but he does not want you to let her win when you are older. My father was not in the family photo album, because he is always shooting. Dad is always right promise! He will hold his promise to help a friend, although ajakanmu to go actually more fun. Dad was always a little sad when she saw her children go to play with friends mereka.karena he realized it was the end of their childhood.
My father started planning your life when knowing that your mother pregnant (mengandungmu), but once you were born, he began to make revisions. Daddy helped make dreams come true even he too could convince you to do impossible things, like floating on water after he melepaskanya.
Father might not know the answer to everything, but he helps you search for it. Dad may look fierce in your eyes, but in the eyes of your friends and loved him look good.
Dad slowly got friends, but she's lifelong friends dad is really excited to help someone ...but it is difficult to ask for help.
Daddy in the kitchen. Make cooking such as scientific exploration. He had formulas and formulas racikannya own, and only he himself who understands how to solve complicated equations. And the result? ... . Mmmmhhh ... "not too disappointing" ^ _ ~
My father probably never touched a broom when he was young, but she can learn fast.
Father knows best how to push the swing high enough to make you happy but do not be afraid.
I will give you the best seat with the lift you dibahunya, when the parade passed. Dad will not pamper you when you're sick, but he will not sleep all night. Who knows you need it.Dad thought he deserved to stand alone, so she did not want to tell you what you should do, but he would express a sense of not setujunya. My father believed people should be on time. that's why she was always waiting for you earlier.
FATHER'S HEART IS CHEAP ..... He would forget what he wanted, to be able to give you what you need .... He stopped what he was doing, if you want to talk ...
He is always thinking and working hard to pay your spp every semester, even if you never helped her calculate how many wrinkles on his forehead .... Daddy weight lifting from your shoulders with his hands around the burden it merengkuhkan ....
Dad would say, just ask your mother "When he wanted to say, no" Dad never got angry, but his face will be very red-faced when her daughter stayed at a friend's house without permission, and he too almost never angry, except when his son smoking kepregok bathroom. Dad said, it's okay to take a little risk provided you could lose what you expect "
The best compliment for a father was when he saw you doing something good just like the way .... My father is more proud of the achievements, rather than his own achievements .... Dad just will menyalamimu when first leaving you to go wander the house, because if he might hug she could never let go.
Dad does not like to shed a tear .... when you were born and she hears you cry for the first time, he was very pleased as to exit the water from his eyes (ssst.. but again this is not crying)
when you were little, she can hold you to expel your fear ... when you dream will kill the monster ... but ..... it turns out she can cry and could not sleep all night, when her beloved daughter at the shoreline did not give the news for almost a month.
My father once said: "if you want to get a sharp sword and a high quality, do not look for the market especially junkman, but come and book directly from the clever iron. The same goes with love and friends in your life, if you want mendaptkan future love of your life, then ask and order on the Creator "
For the future of her son's father told him:,, become more powerful and stronger than me, choose a mother to your children someday a better woman than your mother, give a better in-law and my grandchildren, than what have I give to you "
And for the future of her daughter's father told him: "Do not cry baby though you're a woman, be my little angel and the angel is always best to father your children someday! The man who can protect you more protection than my father, but do you ever replace the position of father in your heart "
My father insisted, that your children will have to behave better than you used to .... Dad can make you believe in yourself ... because he believe in you ... Dad did not try to be the best, but he's just trying to do my best .... And most importantly ... Dad never stop you for the love of God, even he would spread a thousand roads for you to reach his love, because he too loves you because of his love.

Thanks Dad & Mom

"Son, wake up .... Siapin mother breakfast already on the table ... " 

Wherever this custom lasts for 27 years, since the first time I can remember and now I was in my head like 3 and I have become an employee disebuah private company, but a habit mother never changed at all since the first. 

"I love ... do not bother Mom, me and my sisters already in the adult" I pleaded to my mother one morning. 

The gentle old face suddenly changed instantly. And when my mother took me to lunch at a restaurant, I rush out of money and I pay all of our messages. 

In this heart eager to feel even just a little pointless though I can repay my mother to me, to my younger siblings with the results of his own sweat. After all, I now have bekeja and it's time I gave him my income. 

But the sad look on her face that can not be hidden. Why yes she is easy to upset? My mind was beginning to feel I do not know and I can only guess, maybe it's time I'm having trouble understanding you because once I read from a book, that people who are elderly can usually be very sensitive and tend to be a kid. But somehow, itukan says the book, and certainly I have the intention was to actually make my mother happy sad and congenital mother if edang sad he will never say anything. 

The next day I try to bring myself to ask, "Mom, I maafin yes if she has hurt feelings. What do I do Mom so that makes you so sad?" I asked ... 

I face my mother's eyes that has begun winnowing wrinkles due to cataracts that happened, there are drops of tears flowing down welling. Sobbing mother said, "I feel very worried about my kids you no longer need a mother. Wherever You guys are all adults, have worked, and earnings have been able to support themselves. She no longer allowed to prepare breakfast for you, I can not anymore jajanin you because all you can do yourself " 

God, turned out for a Mother .. take pains to serve the sons and daughters is a happiness that he had we never realized before. Intention can make parents happy to be sad because we are not trying to open up each other see the meaning of happiness from the perspective of each. 

Secretly, I promise. .. What had I dedicate to my mother in my age? Is there any mother happy and proud of us? When was I asked my mother, my mother replied, "Lots of happiness son whom you gave to my mother. You grow up healthy and funny when the baby is a bliss Mother. You have the pride of achievement in school is for you. You are the pride of achievement in the job for Mom . As an adult, you behave as it should be a servant, it is happiness for you. Every time your eyes twinkle of happiness suggests that's where the happiness of parents. " 

Again I can only say, "God's forgiven me if all this time very little sincerity that we can give to our mother. There are many reasons when she wants something." 

What a temper My mother through the twists and turns of life. As a career woman should have plenty of reasons that can be asked my mother to "leave" from work home. But not with my mother! My mother was an idealist. Reforming family, caring for and educating children is the prerogative of a mother who could not be delegated to anyone. 

3 pm Mom was awake and at 5 Fajr Mother woke us. He was in the kitchen preparing breakfast while me and my younger siblings often fall asleep again ... Ah, we maafin Mother .... 18 hours a day as a "worker" as if nothing ever make you tired .. Can I God? 

"Son ... son woke up, breakfast've Mother siapin over the kitchen .." Without a lazy-malesan mattress and this time I immediately went. I open the bedroom door and kurangkul mother as warm as possible, I kiss her cheek that had wrinkles, I was face to his eyes intently and I say, "THANK YOU MOM, I was very lucky to have a mother who is kind, let me membahagiakanmu Mother ...". 

My mother's eyes sparkled from it radiate happiness. .. 
My love is yours, 
Mother ... I still need you so much 
Forgive us who can not translate the meaning of happiness for yourself 

Dear friend THANK YOU MOTHER is not always said that love should be expressed with the phrase "I love you ...", but so, God tells us to convey a sense of love that we have the parents we love it. 

Do not be shy, do not hesitate, get rid of a sense of pride friends, let's go .. we start from the people closest who loved us. 

A mother and a father, though they never requested or may have gone, believe me ... just one word "THANK YOU MOTHER" and "THANK YOU DAD" would be to make them meaningful and happy pobud and pobud. 

And a simple poem I wrote, 
Love like water, will never run out .. 
Keep turning .. continues to flow .. so on and so forth 
on a lake that gives life. 

Thank you Mom, Thank you Dad .. 
Love you guys like the blue sky .. 
Where I go, I can take shelter under it. 

Thank you Mom, Thank you Dad .. 
Even the navy would not be able to accommodate, 
top jutaannya terharuskan compliment to you. 

Love is

Last weekend my friends happen to our little girl were together and play together on the porch. Still as always like the chatter of small children and their looks are playing a game that they call the 'One Family'. Our daughter became a mother, there is a father, there is a child, there is also a grandfather and grandmother. They seemed to appreciate the meaning of love is being in a family. Then out of curiosity we tried to approach them and give them one question.
What is the meaning of love do you think?
Consider what answer we get from them the following, Adiet, 7 years, "Love is when my mother was lying headache (pain) and Dad is busy cooking noodles cooked for me and then made tea for him."
Rella, 6 years, "Love is when Rella was crying and then brother Rella provide some cake that was eaten"
Beautiful, 5 years, "Love is when my mother made coffee craze Mom and Dad feel it in advance to make sure it feels good"
Zackie, 9 years, "Love is when my grandmother who can no longer bend to trim his toenails and then grandfather helped tidy up and even mengecatkannya gentlemen"
Diago, 8 years, "Love is when my mother realized that Dad was sweaty, dirty and smelly but also said it was still better looking than Mike Lewis"
Well, that's what they pass on, love is relative indeed. Those who do not like it call it responsibility. Those who play with it call it a game. Those who do not have it call it a dream. Those who love call it destiny.
Sometimes the Lord who knows best, would give trouble to test mahluknya, sometimes he was hurt, so that lesson can be embedded in the.
If we lose love, then there must be reasons behind it, the reason is sometimes difficult to understand. But we still have to believe that when he took something, he was ready to give a better. Wait for the moment arrived.
Why wait? Because even if we wanted to make a decision, we do not want to rush. Because even though we want quickly, we do not want to carelessly. Because even if we wanted to find the people we love, we do not want to lose our identity in the process of that search.
If you want to run, learn to walk duhulu. If you want to swim, learn to float first. If you want to be loved, learn to love first. All require a process could work as expected, as desired, and all had to wait in the process.
In the end, it's better to wait for the people we want, rather than choosing what is there. Still better to wait for those we love, rather than satisfying themselves with what is there. Still better to wait for the right person, because life is too short to pass up with the wrong choice. Many say the most boring job is menuunggu. But keep in mind "waiting" has a mysterious meaning and purpose behind it.
"Look at the flowers, he did not blossom overnight. Also have to wait " "Rome was not built in a day and night. Also have to wait to see the glory " "Life in the womb for nine months. Also awaiting the birth of love "
Love the great nan continue to grow throughout the lifespan. Most beautiful things in life require a long time and we are not waiting in vain.
While waiting requires a lot of things, faith, courage and hope, wait a promising one thing that no one else can imagine in the end.
And God in every silver lining is his secret, asks us to wait for a very noble reason.
So, what is the meaning of love do you think? Please (:

Make the Angel's father in Your Paradise He later

"Happiness will be realized by man, when he started to go" 

"My father bought a new car Hooray, hooray dad bought a new car, Hooray ....." cried Dinah, five-year-old little boy that pranced with delight, then he jumped up and down and running around a new type of silver car which was parked in the carport shiny front of the house is large enough. 

Now and again he embraced the car was like hugging a doll toys. While his wife sat in the front wheel tries to turn on and turn off car engines while considering all the car's interior carefully, afraid of no defects at all the goods he received, while the medium car is still here, submit a receipt for the goods plus all the accessories to her car. 

Yes, that day the husband managed to fulfill her desire to have your own car, luxury car but it was not prestigious enough to be owned by young couples like themselves, Toyota Vios sedan type G, for two hundred millions of dollars. 

Rani, the wife very happy, because his desire to go to work to bring your own car while her husband Fulfilled just smiled wryly remembering installment to be paid for several months. 

Actually Hadi, the husband was reluctant to buy the car in these years, considering the needs and the income is still not enough to menyicil new car, not to mention he had to repay the new house he bought large enough two years ago. 

But his love of his wife made him take the decision, whatever the risk. He had been promised to his wife about two things if you want to marry her, spacious homes and cars and the promise he had settled exert, even though he had swallowed deeply. 

Hadi leaning against the side door of the house, from a distance his eyes looked at the joy of children and his wife, occasionally he took a breath and sighed deeply, she tried to smile as she waved her seeking comment about the car. 

The smile that he had kulum heavy, weighing his promise to his wife, weighing the burden of life his own household. 

Hadi mind wander back to the past, during which he met with Rani, a girl student campus idol, which he himself did not understand why he is desperate to marry the belle of it. 
Introduction and Hadi Rani occurred when they were both studying at the same department and faculty at the renowned university in Jakarta, and both incoming freshmen through the same ie PMDK. 
Rani is pretty smart and become an idol in his campus and Hadi including one of his fans, although only in the liver. For Hadi, since Rani in the past, such as remembering the history of the past which could never come back, Rani who used to be known during the course turned out to have been much changed even after graduating from college and worked in private banks. 

Formerly known as Rani college girl earthy, not glamorous and not adventurous. He is sociable and easy to get along with anyone. Although many men who fall in love with her, but none of which she responded, a reason, he did not want to interfere with his college love story, all considered to be friends for granted. 

Rani an indifferent attitude towards romance is triggered by a very simple family life can even say the same poor background himself, for that Rani intend to herself to stay focused on college and career, so he could raise the living standard of families, for Ranipoverty must disappear from the dictionary of his life, no matter how it is. 

Due to indifferent attitude and Rani who were indifferent, many of these young men finally retreated, only Hadi who continue to monitor, if only from a distance. 

After college and have earned a permanent job, the courage to mengkhitbah Hadi Rani, but Rani refused, because he wanted the guy who has been well established, even without the facade she said that her future husband must already have a large house and drove well. 

Finally he just asked for time to Rani to realize all of that within three years. But Rani remained reluctant, until finally Rani choose another candidate who has been established, namely a civil servant in the finance department. Hadi Be absurdly sad, he could only lament the fate of the poor and destitute. 

The love that he kept in the corner and treating heart to bloom for five and a half years, now withered like flushing the hot water, leaving a painful and tender, knocked out his dream and buried deep in dreams and imagination. 

The struggle to maintain a sense of love must end before he could support the weight of defeat, before he could hold the disappointment that the plans were not as smooth as he wanted. Angannya that are too high to take him to marry her idol flying kealam a painful dream. 

In fact, he felt sure, God's love life will be blessed, because he has never committed a violation of social boundaries of the opposite sex, boro-boro touching hands, staring at her face she can not afford, let alone going out like a young child today. Haram, that is etched in his heart. 

Since rejected Rani, Hadi began to improve his worship, maybe yesterday he felt God is not willing to give sustenance to him because his worship is not maximized and not yet proved his sincerity, he has been praying for God to allow it to marry Rani, so always pray that he prayed in every opportunity, but now her heart began to realize, her sincerity began to clot. 

He no longer serve because of expecting something in return, but simply cherish the Lord. Now his heart is more calm and more peaceful soul, he pasrahkan soul mate to God, whoever it is. 

In the submission and sincerity, always hear the prayers of his servants, six months after he was rejected Rani, her husband turned out to cancel the marriage with Rani, for no apparent reason, he heard rumors that the candidate would prefer another school overseas at the expense of service and banned formerly married without the permission of his superiors. 

Hadi feeling confused hear the news, whether to be sad or happy. What is clear, to hear the news back agglomerate granules spirit that had shattered, merajutkan crumbs back to the idol heart affair. 

The next day, he returned to the residence of Rani and meet with parents to apply for Rani. Rani's parents who feel ashamed for canceling a previous marriage, directly menyetujuinnya, while Rani, even if agreed, he was still with the condition that, which is quite spacious house and car, although he could finally capable of six years later after their marriage. 

Now with the presence of sedan cars in the garage of the house, all the terms he has fulfilled his wife, his heart is very happy despite all that he filled with droplets of sweat and blood, with cuts and tears, with a thick-skinned and broken hips. 

How not, he is the deadline by his wife to collect the money of hundreds of millions in five years to realize all that. He was forced to work like a machine, morning till night, not to mention looking for additional holidays. 

Sometimes he has to thicken the face to find the mortgagor to cover both the DP purchase any asset whose value was not small. Sometimes have to work till late at night looking for casual work on a small project. 

In the first years he did not care, but stepped on the fourth year, he began not strong, all the energy had drained away, but the results are not the worst. Fortune still favors him. 
In such a despondent moment, when the stillness of the night clutching the time, at the same time work home Hadi, Hadi could only sit motionless on the porch, not the heart to wake his wife, who was soundly asleep with the boy. 

Pinch then he walked to the tap on the edge of the carport and made his ablutions for menghilangan exhausted body and soul, then he pray two cycles on the porch and continued to cry expectantly to the inventor until he fell asleep on the mat, and so on which he did every night until dawn call to prayer sounded, and the cold prickling bones, waking the sleeping on the porch of her home. It was only later he woke his wife to prepare breakfast and ready to depart again, the wife, just knowing that her husband came home early because he was busy making a living. 

For the sake of his love to his wife, Hadi was forced to work day and night without stopping, for a promise that must be fulfilled, he himself ail Relax in pain, for the version that he was proud of his family, he was forced to mortgage his breath half for the happiness of people who really loved it. He did all this with sincerity, for the sake of the goddess idol of his heart. 

Life flows to follow the curves of the river of time, drifting with the ideals, dreams and human chimera. With a hunk capitalize hope, faith and netting provisions despair, they paddle boat households that scour the river of life, hoping that arrived safely directed.But a decisive step that God's destiny wheel of their lives, without a human being who can know it. 

Because the work is too hard, Hadi became ill, he was stricken with acute liver, and had rushed to the hospital. Doctors only recommend that he mengikhlaskan of everything, so the disease from getting worse, he understood what was meant by the statement the doctor, because doctors will not lie to patients who could not handle it. 

In a quiet voice, hadi called his wife, who looked so stricken that the outlook hadi, he could only cry uncontrollably. "Rani my dear" he called, "yes darling I'm here beside you .." Rani replied, "from the deepest heart I love you, I'm very fond of you", Hadi whispered weakly, "yes dear I know it, you love me I never doubt" Entertain Rani, "let me talk for a moment, I'm worried if I put it off I could no longer talk to you. " 

Then, Hadi said with words that make the body Rani increasingly helpless, he almost lost his balance, but try to hear her voice rebound more softly, "My dear Rani, since we first met, I was leaving a blank space at the corner of my heart for you I do not watch until he filled by another, and I keep the meetings until I was sure that I'm ready to apply yourself. my faith on you so strong, my patience waiting for you so deep, even in the middle of the road I was injured because apparently I only clap one hand. " 

Hadi paused for a moment, he noticed his wife's eyelids are increasingly filled with tears, tears of regret because he had refused to humans who loved her so patient and painstaking. 

Hadi went on his words, "But my dear, it turns out God is very dear to me, he return you to me myself again, even made you my soulmate until you can join me here, in these last moments, my dear, only one request, I want you to be my angel in world and the hereafter, even though I know, after my departure, you are free to choose again pangeranmu, choose people who will be there to continue the remains of your life. " 

"My dear, but I'm very satisfied for the blessings that God has given me all this time, as long as I become your husband. Have You is the greatest gift in my life, so in order to appreciate the grace that I will do anything for your happiness. If God wills other, believe it has become destiny between us and I never regret marrying you. " 

"My dear when the tongue is still able to say, I say unto you, forgive for my mistake all this time, I'm sorry that force you to be my soul mate, although I could not meet expectations-expectations. Do not you regret our marriage, because I'm proud of what has been we do together, keep well and take care of our children, to convey greetings to him that my father was just gone for a while, waiting for the door of heaven for you guys later. " 

Rani could not hear the rest of her husband's voice lirihan, guilt pierced his heart deeply, he was too selfish, he is too naive, to impose the burden borne by the life of her own husband, she was the trauma of poverty, forcing the compensation to the person who was so good to him, so love him, he was so authoritarian. 

Before you run out Hadi spoke, Rani had no memory of anything else, a sense of regret that the added fear of losing a nervous consciousness slowly apart, he collapsed next to her husband's body, which more and more audible voice, a voice only "excuse me dear,excuse me ..., I'm sorry dear ... " 

Continue to say until the breath stops, and the heart no longer beating. Only visible tears flowed from her husband's eyelids, lips smiling satisfied though because it gives the best to those who most loved. 

Nearly two hours Rani fainted in her husband's side, who now has become a corpse.When he awoke, Rani has not been realized, he continued to cry as he apologizes to her husband for his behavior over the years, until the arrival of doctors who realize that Rani's husband had gone for ever. 

Rice has become porridge, but the door of forgiveness from the creator is still wide open. Rani who have realized that happiness is not just wealth, and poverty is not a disgrace, is now slowly begin to straighten out his life, and he was determined to be caring for children alone wayangnya own. 

Forty years later in a tomb which is still wet, a veiled woman was still stunned in front of the tomb of his mother, the woman, Dina, still praying for the mother and father to be reunited in heaven. 

He is the hope of his parents' remains, which paved the way their meeting again as an eternal partner, prayer of a righteous son, who became a solace for his parents. 

".. God forgive our parents, and mothers often turn down requests he told me, continuing to assist our Father in surgaMu and make him an angel My father, amen."